“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style” ― Maya Angelou
Well the weekend has begun and I have given the Diva and the Marshall more fiber than they know what to do with. A lot in and a lot out according to the Diva I have given them a "gazillion" fiber grams.LOL. You may not know this but not only am I doing the Gym and Run thing but I also "EAT CLEAN" I made a lifestyle change at the beginning of the year and have been pretty committed to The Eat Clean Diet what that means simply is that I do not eat "processed" foods. I eat lots of fiber (fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts seeds and OMG oatmeal), lean meats protein (meat, fish, tofu), Healthy Fats (olive oil avocado, flaxseed nuts) and drink more water than I thought was possible. It has been fun to share my lifestyle change with the Diva and the Fire Marshall, the Marshall thinks I am a "fiber fanatic" I am not a "fanatic" but the changes I have made in my eating and exercise have directly affected my hair, skin, nails and attitude all in a positive way. To prove to that they are healthy eaters the Diva made a roasted vegetable dish....HELLO it was really good. See not all healthy food has to taste like trees, twigs and bark. Any who......
The Diva and I have started our fitness weekend with a run last night as you are aware she has realized that she was/is able to run her race a little faster than she originally thought. Which is just fantastic, we went to the track to run, we did not really run together the Diva did her thing and I did mine. I was able to run a complete lap (5 times), what I normally do is run the straights and walk the curves. What I discovered or learned is that my pace was too fast to run a lap this early in training.