Well the weekend has begun and I have given the Diva and the Marshall more fiber than they know what to do with. A lot in and a lot out according to the Diva I have given them a "gazillion" fiber grams.LOL. You may not know this but not only am I doing the Gym and Run thing but I also "EAT CLEAN" I made a lifestyle change at the beginning of the year and have been pretty committed to The Eat Clean Diet what that means simply is that I do not eat "processed" foods. I eat lots of fiber (fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts seeds and OMG oatmeal), lean meats protein (meat, fish, tofu), Healthy Fats (olive oil avocado, flaxseed nuts) and drink more water than I thought was possible. It has been fun to share my lifestyle change with the Diva and the Fire Marshall, the Marshall thinks I am a "fiber fanatic" I am not a "fanatic" but the changes I have made in my eating and exercise have directly affected my hair, skin, nails and attitude all in a positive way. To prove to that they are healthy eaters the Diva made a roasted vegetable dish....HELLO it was really good. See not all healthy food has to taste like trees, twigs and bark. Any who......
The Diva and I have started our fitness weekend with a run last night as you are aware she has realized that she was/is able to run her race a little faster than she originally thought. Which is just fantastic, we went to the track to run, we did not really run together the Diva did her thing and I did mine. I was able to run a complete lap (5 times), what I normally do is run the straights and walk the curves. What I discovered or learned is that my pace was too fast to run a lap this early in training.
I LOVE the watch and the diet!! I too have been trying to eat more clean and follow a diet similar to the Paleo diet. It really is not that hard!
ReplyDeleteWhat brand is your watch?I am looking for something to track calories, heart rate and distance. DOes your's do all of that??
Becca, it is a Polar RS300x it does all of that plus more (G1 or shoe S1). I have attached the link, check with the Diva she is a little green with envy. http://www.polarusa.com/us-en/products
ReplyDeleteeat clean diet.... http://eatcleandiet.com/
ReplyDeleteThanks, Pattey, for the diet info. I gave up red meat for Lent and I'm thinking about giving it up completely...AFTER I get a steak from Ruth Chris! LOL! Good job on the running, too!