This morning I did something new, (love new things, yeah right) I went to run today with the local HS Cross Country team. These young men run at 6:00am before school .....2, 3, 5 miles and then in the afternoon they have regular practice. Our local HS Cross Country team has a few of the best distance runners in the State. So I am most appreciative that their Coach would even allow me to participate in their morning run. They sent me out with one of their "slower runners" (yeah right) I said to the young man don't worry about me and off he went. I was with him for about the first 400 meters (with him means could see his flasher)and then it happened.....my lung said OMG what the heck is this cold stuff , I pretty much lost sight of the flasher then. I have been running inside on thread mill for a couple of weeks finally manged to get up to 4 miles without a break so I thought I can do a 2 mile run outside. I need to practice outside running so that I can run the 5K in November. My lungs said the air is very, very different out here, we are not going to be able to run this with out a break today. I thought you can do this you have all the right stuff, head lamp, flasher, GPS, HR monitor, watch, IPod. The only thing I hadn't planned on the differences in the air ..it was about 50 degrees, it was so dark, the broken sidewalks, up and down roads, jumping over mess on the sidwalks. So today I didn't perform as well I had hoped but I will go back out in the morning (after the sun comes up)and try this again because I am going to run with (follow) the Cross Country team again Monday morning. Oh yeah I did get in before the guy I left with......(he ran 3 miles)
That outside running is no joke. Good job! Love the gear.