I am back at training for my first 5K. I am running on the treadmill, running to nowhere, a fellow asked me today why, you lift, you have a trainer, you do too many classes, do you want to do it all? he asks. No I don't think so, but this year has been a year filled with the unknown, so.......I want to do something that I have never done before. Sure I ran in HS, but I have never run as an adult. (At the beginning of this journey my goal was to compete in a 5K run this past summer. I did not run for many reasons, but I lift weights, hired a trainer, join too many classes. But now as my birthday approaches I have decided that I must do this run and I can do this run, so I am on the treadmill now trying to find a pace and build up endurance.) My goal this week is not to blow out a lung, the fellow asked me at the gym something about sprinting and I said it felt like I was moving, hauling ass, getting out, doing my "own" thing, but I suspect if there were a video camera I would look as slow as the day is long. I will go again tomorrow and run again until I can't take another step or blow a lung which ever comes first.
LOL! you won't blow out a lung. Go 'head and get your run on, girl!